27 de julho de 2008

Professora Maria Manuela Chaves ganha prémio "Annals of Botany Lecturer"

A Professora Catedrática Maria Manuela Chaves, do Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA-UTL / Departamento de Botânica e Engenharia Biológica) recebeu um prémio na "Annals of Botany".

Annals of Botany is an international plant science journal with editorial offices in Australia, China, Japan, Mainland Europe, UK and USA.

"Annals of Botany Lecturer" at Combio 2008, the combined meeting of the Australian Society of Plant Scientis to be held in Canberra, september 2008. the awards results from you being nominated by the Conference Organising Committee as an international keynote speaker, and is in recognition of excellence in your field of research "Grapevine and berry development ubder deficit irrigation physiological and molecular regulations".

Fonte: www.isa.utl.pt

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